Top 5 Xbox One Steering Wheels

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This time we are digging for the best Xbox One Steering wheel. It’s not really an easy question because the sheer number of xbox one racing wheel options available is overwhelming.

You’d be thinking that choices are more easy on a gaming console than on PC. But Fanatec as well as Thrustmaster, while manufacturing a high quality racing steering wheel for xbox one, sometime have some confusing marketing. Logitech does a better job here at marketing their lineup of racing controllers (in my opinion).

By the way, if you are also a PS4 user, you may want to read on the best steering wheels and pedals for PS4. For an Xbox One racing wheel, just keep reep on reading.

If instead of looking for a steering wheel for xbox one, you are looking for a PC steeromg wheel, this article is good to go for you. All wheels mentioned in this article are also available for PC. Logitech even have two compatible PC racing wheels. The G920 is compatible to Xbox One and PC, whereas Logitech G29 is compatible to PC, PS3 and PS4.

German Readers! There is a translation of this article at

Originally published Dec 12, 2015: Corrected some Fact-Sheet and Spelling errors.
Updated Dec 18, 2015: Corrected some Fact-Sheet and Spelling errors.
Updated Sep 3, 2016: Corrected some Fact-Sheet and Spelling errors.
Updated Sep 28, 2016: Add note regarding clutch/shifter in Fanatec option
Updated Oct 11, 2016: Spelling.
Updated Feb 27, 2017: Pricing Updates.
Updated Feb 28, 2017: Added Fanatec CSL Elite to the mix.
Updated May 24, 2017: Spelling.
Updated April 16, 2018: Fix URLs. Comply to Amazon terms.

Updated May 16, 2024: Fix some URLs. Whoa, is is article 9 years old already :D.

Xbox One Steering Wheel Review

First and foremost, when looking for an xbox one steering wheel, it makes sense to invest into the $300+ magnitude of racing wheels. There are cheaper options, but you get what you pay for.

I consider the cheap wheels nice for a very first look or as a party widget. But if you are a real race fan like me, prefer to pay a bit more; a good steering wheel for xbox one pays back on track.

Logitech makes for an easy choice: They simply don’t have a modular system like Fanatec and Thrustmaster. This can be great, depending on whether you look for a one time xbox one racing wheel investment which gets you going quickly. Or whether you prefer to have an upgrade path for the future.

We compiled  5 options in total.

  1. Fanatec Club Sport:
  2. Fanatec CSL Elite:
  3. Thrustmaster 1:
  4. Thrustmaster 2:
  5. Logitech:

If you are looking for a xbox one steering wheel with clutch, then, in my humble opinion, only Fanatec ClubSports are an option, as it is the only combo featuring a degressive clutch.

So let’s start with our journey, from awesome (Fanatec Club Sport) to decent price/value (G920). Thrustmaster is a good compromise option when it comes to steering wheel controllers.

Note that we do not include cheaper xbox one wheel options: As the title of this site suggests, performance driving is our main motivation. And as such, Logitech is really on the low end of what enables you podiums.

If you’re really eager, here’s the summary table:

Fanatec Club Sport
Club Sport Wheel Base and Pedals
Fanatec CSL Elite

Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition

Logitech G920
Logitech Driving Force G920 Force Feedback Racing Wheel
Expensive, but definitely the best racing wheel for xbox one. Winner in terms of raw performance and accuracy.Xbox one steering wheel ranking between Premium class and Follow Up, well priced.Superb compromise between top-class and introductory xbox one racing wheel.Best introductory wheel. Serious advice: don’t go for any cheaper xbox one steering wheel if you want to perform well.
ca. $1,199.80
(ca. €1,389.80)
starts $469.85
(starts €509.85)[available as bundle with a €9.90 discount]
 Find lowest price hereFind lowest price here!

  • wheel of your choice, e.g. by Fanatec

– or –
– or –

I) Fanatec Club Sport: Clear Winner

Club Sport Wheel Base and Pedals

The Fanatec Club Sport Lineup is the premium option in this comparison, and easily the most expensive. Personally, I am huge fan and user of Fanatec Club Sport (Wheel Base as well as Pedals). The wheel base alone, upon unpacking, its sheer weight and size, casts shadows over every competition below its own price class. To me, this is indeed the best xbox one racing wheel available at the time of writing.

If you compare Logitech G920 and Fanatec Club Sport Wheel Base V2 force feedback, the difference is frightening. If Logitech or Thrustmaster makes you think “yeah, a rotating wheel may hurt my finger”, it becomes “break my finger” for the Fanatec. In all seriousness, keep your 0-14 years children away from it!

Fanatec’s new Clubsport Pedals: Don’t the look sweet?

There is a separate review for the Pedals. But let me summarize: The Fanatec Club Sport Pedals V3 are the only one in this test that come with a load cell and (Fanatec himself have since introduced the only other Load Cell Competitor, CSL Elite. See below /edited 2017 Mar, 01) a hydraulic brake, as well as a real, multi part degressive clutch mechanism.

It is fully made of metal, no plastic (except cables). The really only contra I see is that the throttle travel distance could be a bit longer or adjustable. But that’s just a luxury nitpick; upon driving, you don’t recognize the short travel.

Our first Fanatec option goes with the Universal Hub for Xbox One, which enables the whole Fanatec range of wheels for Xbox One. Furthermore, you can mount many other wheels on the Universal Hub, like “real” racing wheels from Momo. Fanatec has combined most of their wheels in a single package with the Hub, but not all. Upon ordering a Wheel, take a double squint on whether it includes the Universal Hub for Xbox One or not.

If you are looking for an Xbox One racing wheel with clutch, note that you may want to buy a separate shifter (unless you want to paddle-shift with a clutch, which sounds unnatural to me).

By the way, inverted Club Sport pedals are available now, too.

Fanatec Club Sport Wheel Base V3

– Wheel+Base / Degrees of Rotation: 900°
– Wheel+Base / Number of Buttons: Depends on wheel.
– Wheel+Base / Special Buttons: Depends on wheel.
– Wheel+Base / Update Rate: 500 Hz
– Wheel+Base / Shifter: Most wheels have paddles. But see also this.
– Pedals / Degressive Clutch: yes
– Pedals / Progressive Brake: yes

– Many Rigs have builtin mounting options for this (but fewer than for Logitech)
– Progressive Brake, Hydraulic, Load-Cell
– Degressive, Mechanical Clutch
– Full Metal Housing
– Robust
– Strongest FFB in this review
– Multiple hardware settings per Wheel
– Many wheels can be mounted on Universal Hub
– No FFB overheating (Wheel Base has active cooling)

– Most expensive xbox one wheel option in this review
– Throttle Travel Distance could be a little bit longer

As a steering wheel for xbox one, you won’t be able to find anything better in terms of raw quality.

Fanatec Option 1Pricing as of WritingShopping +
Current Prices
ClubSport Pedals V3 $ 299.95 / € 359.95 here
ClubSport Wheel Base V2 $ 499.95 / € 549.95 here
ClubSport Universal Hub for Xbox One $ 299.95 / € 349.95 here
wheel of your choicestarting at $ 99,95 (*) / € 129.95 (*)Fanatec, Momo, …
TOTALstarts: $ 1,199.80/  € 1,389.80

(*) This is the price for the steering wheel for xbox one in a Hub+Wheel-Combo-Package. Make sure to not buy a standalone hub and a standalone wheel if you want to maximize value/price.

II) Fanatec CSL Elite: Price Conscious but not Cheap Steering Wheel for Xbox One

Best Runner Up Steering Wheel Xbox One

Apart from Fanatec’s premium Club Sport line, they have brought a new contender into the market which clearly aims the 500 bucks magnitude. If you haven’t already, make sure to read our comprehensive CSL Elite review.

While some racers have mistaken the black pedals for cheap plastic pedals, they are (in best Fanatec manner) pure aluminium, blackened pedals. Once you get beyond that plastic misconception, they look stylish and are definitely a nice looking asset in your racing room.

With respect to this xbox one racing wheel review, Fanatec CSL Elite provide probably the biggest magnitude in upgradability. For example:

You can basically start with an affordable $500 setup, and then scale all the way up into the $2000 magnitude over time. A hardware setup which grows with your racing career.

Well, what should I say apart from what has been said in the full review already. Let’s keep it short here:

In the $500-magnitude, Fanatec CSL Elite beats the other xbox one wheel setups by light years. For less than $600, it’s the only set with a Load Cell (provided you actually order the Load Cell Kit variant). The Thrustmaster and Logitech Pedals come with so-called brake mods, but not with real load cells. Brake mods are better than linear brakes, like in Fanatec CSL w/out the Kit or Logitech G27 (the predecessor of the current model). But a load cell is better than brake mods.

To make it short: All in all I found the Fanatec CSL Elite xbox one steering wheel set significantly better than the previous Club Sport versions. Given that even the previous Club Sport versions are better than the competition, you get the whole picture:

Club Sport V3 > CSL Elite > Club Sport V2 > Thrustmaster > Logitech.

That’s it. The ranking in mathematical terms 🙂 CSL Elite is truly a compromise of an xbox one wheel that most definitely leans towards the top class racing hardware.

Fanatec Option 2Pricing as of WritingShopping &
Current Prices
CSL Elite Pedals starts $ 79.95 / € 89.95 here
CSL Elite Wheel Base $ 299.95 / € 319.95 here
CSL Steering Wheel P1 for Xbox One $ 89.95 / € 99.95 here
TOTAL$ 469.85 / € 509.85
TOTAL w/ Load Cell Kit$ 579.85 / € 629.80

III) Thrustmaster Option 1

XboxOne Racing Wheel: Thrustmaster VG-TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition Complete
XboxOne Racing Wheel: Thrustmaster VG-TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition Complete

This package comes complete and ready to go. The wheel base is a bit bigger than the Logitech one and the FFB is more solid. It features a brushless motor and has active cooling, which is activated once the system detects that heat is becoming an issue. The wheel has 32 bit precision, making for about 65,000 values (32k to the left, 32k to the right).

However: The pedal-set is a slightly cheaper variant of the Thrustmaster T3PA-Pro Pedals: It has no builtin option to be mounted upside down, and it lacks the metal plate of the pro-variant. However, it still comes with the progressive-brake-mod and the pedal-adjustability of the T3PA-Pro, so if you are not interested in upside-down mounting, it basically does not matter (except for the visual appeal).

Ranked between top class and introductory class, this steering wheel for xbox one is not a bad investment at all.

– Wheel+Base / Degrees of Rotation: 900°
– Wheel+Base / Number of Buttons: Depends on wheel.
– Wheel+Base / Special Buttons: Depends on wheel.
– Wheel+Base / Shifter: Depends on wheel.
– Pedals / Degressive Clutch: no
– Pedals / Progressive Brake: no, but comes with mod (mod not as good as real progressive/hydraulic brake, though)

Update 2015-Dec-18: Add Fact-Sheet.

Thrustmaster Option 1Shopping & Prices
TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition go to Amazon

IV) Thrustmaster Option 2

XboxOne Racing Wheel: Thrustmaster Servo, Wheel, T3PA-Pro
XboxOne Racing Wheel: Thrustmaster Servo, Wheel, T3PA-Pro

This is basically the premium Thrustmaster variant of their steering wheel for xbox one; currently not available as a complete paackage. Like the cheaper Thrustmaster option above, this variant is an xbox one racing wheel definitely worth your consideration.

Thrustmaster Option 2Shopping & Prices
TX Racing Wheel Servo Base find here
VG T3PA-PRO Pedal Add-On find here
Thrustmaster Wheel GT Style | Formula 1 Replica

You can also buy the T3PA (without “PRO”) pedals as included in the complete xbox one wheel pack, but I recommend to pay the extra $50 for the increased robustness and the option for upside-down mounting (more metal = more good).

V) Logitech G920 Xbox One Racing Wheel

Best racing wheels for XboxOne Racing Wheel: Logitech G920 (steering wheel for xbox one version of Logitech G29)
XboxOne Racing Wheel: Logitech G920 (XboxOne Version of Logitech G29)

Without denying, the Logitech G920 is good hardware, and not without reason among the best racing wheels for XboxOne. It’s Logitech’s Xbox One version of their G29. Our Logitech G29 review carried the catchy question “Is it a scam?“, which is because it feels and looks pretty identical to the Logitech G27, but costs more.

However, within this Xbox One Steering Wheel review, it is the cheapest option, and as I wrote in my Logitech G27 Review, it was worth a number of winner certificates in iRacing. So if you want to start Simracing at good price/value, the G920 is a valid option, even though Logitech should be able to reduce the price significantly.

– Wheel / Degrees of Rotation: 900°
– Wheel / Number of Buttons:
– Wheel / Special Buttons:
– Wheel / Shifter: yes
– Pedals / Degressive Clutch: no (Mod available)
– Pedals / Progressive Brake: no (Mod available)

– Cheapestxbox one steering wheel option among quality above $200 (there are cheaper ones, but I usually don’t advise on usim them).
– Many Rigs have builtin mounting options for this.

– Linear brake pedal and clutch. This can be modded using for example the Nixim- or GTEYE-Mods.
– A lot of plastic.
– FFB can fade if the wheel gets hot.
– FFB is weaker than on Thrustmaster or Fanatec

As a steering wheel for xbox one, the Logitech G920 is an almost duplicate variant of the LogitechG29. The only real differences are: G920 is for Xbox One and PC, G29 is for PS3, PS4 and for PC.

LogitechShopping & Prices
Logitech G920 Driving Force Race Wheel click me

Conclusion – So what’s the Best Xbox One Steering Wheel?!

In my opinion, all of these steering wheel for Xbox One are suited to competitive racing.

And, in my opinion as a Simracer, they all make sense and are among the best racing wheel for xbox one. None of the reviewed wheels is a failure, really.

But: the more you pay, the higher the quality; I truly recommend to go all Fanatec, it’s also the most flexible xbox one racing wheel solution. However, it’s (undoubtly!) pretty expensive, so it’s more a matter of how much you want to invest.

Logitech is good quality, but not a customizable steering wheel for xbox one (just moddable); but in any case a good start into Simracing.

The Thrustmaster xbox one racing wheel is a great compromise and has superb bang for the buck. Note: If you go Thrustmaster, I recommend to buy the components separately, because the complete package comes with the cheaper variant of their pedals.

Would you like some more? Shifter Options.

As a super quick rating, the best xbox one steering wheel shifter you can get is this one. Other shifter options for your xbox one racing wheel are available, but not as ultimately great 🙂

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  1. Lewis Sullivan 23. December 2015
    • admin 28. December 2015
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    • admin 15. January 2016
    • John Taylor 26. May 2016
  3. Jean-Francois Richard 21. April 2017
    • Sebastian 22. April 2017

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